For this in-progress project, BDI is a prime contractor and is instrumenting 12 Tainter gates on three dams with BDI sensors and data acquisition systems. The initial testing for each gate required over 70 channels of strain, rotation, and displacement sensors to be recorded simultaneously. The portable BDI datalogger system uses permanently-installed strain and rotation instrumentation sensors housed in weatherproof enclosures connected to easily-accessible cable termination boxes. BDI developed the hardware, software, and customized our field installation techniques for this very specialized temporary-to-permanent application. The whole approach allows the client to immediately determine trunnion friction forces using BDI’s GateMate analysis software to automatically generate customizable reports on friction coefficients and hoist motor performance.
BDI independently developed the entire process in parallel with this project, including the approach of using preliminary tests to develop minimized instrumentation plans, best techniques for installing electrical conduit equipment via SPRAT Level I ropes access with SPRAT Level III oversight, and developing the GateMate post-processing software. BDI has met all project requirements and will stay well within project scope and budget.