It was a busy spring in the northwest this year. Roughly every seven years, the US Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla and Portland Districts perform major maintenance on the Columbia River and Snake River navigational locks. BDI performed instrumentation and technical engineering during several of the maintenance projects:
• Cable tensioning and counterweight balancing at Lower Monumental and Ice Harbor lift gates on the Snake River near Pasco, WA.
• Strain gage tensioning of the miter gate diagonals at the at The Dalles Lock and Dam on the Columbia River.
• Strain gage installation and three months of tension monitoring was performed on miter gate diagonals during gate repairs and pintle replacement at the Little Goose Lock and Dam near Starbuck, WA.
• Replacement of gudgeon link strain gages after pin replacements McNary Lock and Dam on the Columbia River.
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The best part is that all the projects happened at the same time!