
The Sectors We Work In

All levels of highway and railroad bridge evaluation services including:
+ Developing instrumentation and testing plans
+ Qualitative data review, finite element modeling & calibration
+ Recording responses to live loads & temperature variations
+ Accurate AASHTO Load Ratings (LRF/LRFD) for highway bridges
+ Accurate AREMA load ratings for design loads and heavier rolling stock
Bridge Deck Evaluation
Data we collect is analyzed to report:
+ Concrete degradation, precursors to delamination, and concrete cover over the top rebar
+ Shallow delaminations
+ Delaminations and concrete degradation
+ Spalling, patching, and severe cracking
+ Electrochemical – probability of corrosion
We’ve adapted our techniques and hardware for use in evaluating hundreds of water control structures on major rivers for issues such as:
+ Tainter gate trunnion friction evaluation
+ Miter gate opening, closing, and hydraulic forces
+ Cable force balancing for lift gates
+ Welded connection inspection and evaluation
We can assist with an endless number of monitoring applications for civil structure construction phases which include:
+ QA/QC verification
+ Concrete curing temperatures
+ Measure cable forces to assist crews with field adjustments
+ Transportation loads while hauling structural members
Evaluation of all types of building issues including:
+ ASTM floor & column load tests
+ Foundation settlements
+ Crack growth monitoring
+ Seismic movements
Several geotechnical data collection applications including:
+ Geomatic monitoring
- Automated Total Statistics
+ Roadway pavement evaluations
+ Slope stability and pore water pressure tracking
+ High speed, event-driven data collection (1 kHz)
+ Asphalt Strain
+ Concrete Strain
+ Thermal Gradient (temperature trees)
+ Soil Moisture
+ Earth Pressure
+ Multi-Depth Reflectometer
+ Ground Penetration Radar
Contract Strain Gage Services
+ BDI strain gage installation at the client's fcaility where we work during the prescribed schedules and follow detailed client installation procedures.
+ Full range of preparation and gage installation equipment for mounting foil gages including ultrasonic water baths, media blasters, programmable curing ovens, soldering microscopes, and more.


Learn more about the bridge services we offer